A hypnotizing digital film directed by SHOWstudio's Nick Night in which a naked Raquel Zimmermann lied in the sand surounded by snakes was just the beginning of McQueen's spring 2010. Two inquisitive robotic cameras went back and forth through the shiny runway while reflecting the image of the audience. Lady Gaga's Bad Romanced sounded in the back for the first time and then....The McQueen girl. A bird or even a bullfighter in the past, she emerged as a methamorphed lizzard women in reptile patterned short dresses, her legs sunk in shoes that resembled the foot of an aqua monster. The colors that started all green and brown then became aqua and blue. The print on the fabric gave the effect as if the dresses were stearing back at you, and the shoes and the hair just finished her mutated reptile look. Plato's Atlantis was McQueens vision of the apocalyptic underwater future ahead of us if the glaciers continue to melt. A truly mesmerizing dystopian bliss.